LIFE SUPPORT: AFP Key Voting Against GOP Healthcare Plan.

Today Americans for Prosperity, the nation’s largest and most aggressive advocate for healthcare freedom, reaffirmed the organization’s deep concerns with core elements of the GOP healthcare bill. The group said that as currently written, it was unable to support the legislation, and would key vote against it unless significant changes were made.

Chief Government Affairs Officer Brent Gardner had this to say:

“Republicans in Congress promised a full repeal of Obamacare, but the current plan falls far short. It leaves intact some of the most harmful aspects of the law, including burdensome regulations that send insurance costs spiking and federal subsidies rebranded as tax credits. We simply cannot support this bill, and commit to standing with champions in the House who also oppose the continuation of Obamacare.”

That’s a solid no, and here’s another one from Mike Lee:

Lee doesn’t seem like the kind of senator who could have his vote budged by a tweet, and Rand Paul says there are at least 35 GOP “No!” votes just in the House.