TO BE FAIR, THE WAPO’S MISSION STATEMENT IS NOW “DEMOCRACY DIES IN DARKNESS:” Becket Adams: The Washington Post’s originality on display with Trump/Hitler comparison.

President Trump announced this week that he plans to create an office to highlight crimes committed by illegal aliens, meaning he’s pretty much the next Adolf Hitler.

This is an actual thing suggested this week in an article filed under the Washington Post’s foreign news blog.

Trump touted his plans for the Victims of Immigration Crime Engagement office Tuesday evening during his joint address to Congress.

“I have ordered the Department of Homeland Security to create an office to serve American victims,” he said, outlining his plans for the new organization. “We are providing a voice to those who have been ignored by our media and silenced by special interests.”

For the Post’s Worldviews blog, this is basically Hitler 2.0. Because, as the story’s headline stated, Hitler also “published a list of crimes committed by groups he didn’t like.”

Godwin’s Law has been getting a real workout lately, hasn’t it?

Hmm. Well, the SPLC publishes a list of crimes by groups it doesn’t like, so maybe the Post has a point.

UPDATE: And, inevitably, the Yglesias weigh-in:

Of course, with Matt, a Hitler comparison isn’t necessarily a criticism: