HA! I LOVE IT. Tennessee College Free Speech Bill To Be Named After MILO.

The bill, which has the full name of the “Tennessee Freedom of Speech on College Campus Bill,” but will be known more informally as The Milo Bill, is set to be officially filed after around two-years of development on Thursday. A press conference will follow.

According to a source involved with the press conference, the bill would stop events from being cancelled based on “harassment” if the “harassment” could simply be defined as an opposing point of view, and will boast a variety of other features that seek to protect students who have opposing beliefs to that of their college or its administrators.

“In view of recent events concerning Milo Yiannopolous at The University of California at Berkley and elsewhere on other college campuses, it’s important for us, as a state, to step up and protect basic First Amendment rights,” said Representative Martin Daniel, who will be holding the press conference on Thursday, in a press release. “We should encourage all forms of lawful speech and expression, even if controversial or disagreeable. This is what makes America great.”

“In Tennessee, the First Amendment does not stop at the campus gate,” he continued. “We can’t allow politically correct policies to smother free speech. Courtesy and civility, while encouraged, can never trump basic constitutional rights. Tennessee’s institutions of higher education should prepare our students for the real world, and encouraging expression of all sorts of viewpoints is essential to that objective.”

And I certainly agree with the protection of free speech on campus.