SOCIAL JUSTICE MEDIA: Twitter unveils new features to curb harassment.

Instead of just suspending abusive accounts, Twitter will now identify the individuals behind those accounts and prevent them from simply creating new ones.

Twitter’s new safer search feature, and efforts to hide abusive replies, are meant to help users targeted by abuse by making harassing content harder to find. Now, when users search for content on Twitter, tweets that have been flagged or are from accounts that are frequently blocked or muted won’t show up as easily.

Similarly, when users click the dropdown under a tweet to see replies, potentially abusive and low-quality tweets will be collapsed.

Twitter says abusive content will still be accessible for anyone looking to find it, but it won’t be as easy to stumble onto.

This new system seems ripe for abuse. I’ve been blocked by an unknown number of lefties — most I’ve never interacted with — apparently on the basis of some kind of shared, mass lists of conservatives or libertarians. Seemingly then, although I’ve done nothing to abuse or harass any of these people, my tweets “won’t be as easy to stumble onto.” In other words, invisibly blacklisted because of a leftwing social media campaign to silence voices (that’s what muting is) they don’t like.

I haven’t been on Twitter very much for almost a year; now I’ll be on there even less.