CIVIL RIGHTS UPDATE: House votes to void Obama administration’s Social Security gun background check rule.

Under the rule, which got final approval as President Obama was heading out the door in December, the Social Security Administration was instructed to scour its records to spot people who were so mentally impaired that their checks were sent to a payment representative. Those names were then to be entered in the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS).

The GOP-controlled House voted 235-180, breaking down almost entirely along party lines, to kill the new rule using the Congressional Review Act, which gives Capitol Hill a chance to swat down a lame-duck president’s last-minute regulations.

Gun-rights groups said the rule impinged on Americans’ Second Amendment rights, denying them the chance to buy a gun without good reason.

“This rule is a slap in the face of those in the disabled community because it paints all those who suffer from mental disorders with the same broad brush,” said Rep. Robert W. Goodlatte, Virginia Republican and chairman of the House Judiciary Committee.

He said people who suffer from mental disorders are more likely to be crime victims, not perpetrators.

The lede is actually buried in this story.

The real news is that Congress used its CRA power to knock down an Obama regulation, which if Todd Gaziano has it right, we could be seeing a lot more of in the next few months — with Congress possibly eliminating regs dating back to the very beginning of the Obama Administration.