Hillary had the kind of nuanced position that allowed you to think — if you liked her — that she’d have a big heart toward the suffering and simultaneously protect us from terrorists or — if you didn’t like her — that she had no plan and no nerve to stop the influx of masses people, some of whom hate the American system and want to kill us.

Not enough people liked her, the system we love made Donald Trump our President, and now he is shocking the people who didn’t like him by doing what he said in plain language he was going to do.

But many years ago, a President who is revered by the kind of people who like Hillary Clinton issued an Executive Order excluding all persons of Japanese ancestry from the West Coast. . . .

The Democratic Party’s all-time favorite President, Franklin D. Roosevelt, decided to take action against all persons of Japanese descent because “the successful prosecution of the war requires every possible protection against espionage and against sabotage.”

Fred Korematsu stayed where he was, in Oakland, California, where he was born. Soon enough, he got arrested.

Well, the Japanese Internment is now regarded as an awful episode in American history. But, you know, not in Democratic Party history.