CRYING WOLF PART DEUX: “Comedian” DL Hughley Comedian to Trump: ‘F—k You Now And F—k You Forever:’

Earlier in the video, the comedian disparaged Trump’s recent attempts to connect with black people by meeting with celebrities such as Kanye West and Steve Harvey.

“You know why you have a comedian, a rapper and a football player out to talk about the concerns of the community?” Hughley questioned. “’Cause that’s the position you’re used to seeing us in… You’d rather see us run the ball than run the country.”

And yet, in 2009, when Hughley was briefly a CNN host, he interviewed Michael Steele, then the chairman of the Republican Party, and said, “‘The tenets of the Republican Party are amazing and they seem warm and welcome. But when I watch it be applied — like you didn’t have to go much further than the Republican National Convention….It literally look[s] like Nazi Germany.’ He went on to say that blacks weren’t welcome in the party: ‘It just does not seem — like not only are we not welcome — not only are we not welcome, but they don’t even care what we think.’”

Hughley either forgot that he was interviewing a fellow African-American when he uttered the above words, or more likely didn’t care, and simply fired off the same ancient boilerplate smears against the GOP that date as far back as President Roosevelt. And note that the rank and file GOP – of numerous races and religions – were gathered in Saint Paul, Minnesota in early September of 2008 to nominate former war hero John McCain to be their presidential nominee, a man left permanently crippled after being tortured while a captive of real life national socialists in North Vietnam.

And the left still is shaking their head pondering how Trump became president.