SO THE OTHER DAY I MENTIONED THE FEDS’ student loan cutoff at Charlotte Law School. But I have a few more thoughts.

This is an interesting move for the Obama Administration as it heads out the door. It sets a precedent allowing the Trump Administration to crack down on higher ed in general — there are probably a dozen or more law schools as vulnerable as Charlotte — while saying it’s just following policy developed under the Obama Administration.

Then, if they wanted to make life tough on universities in general, they could just agree-and-amplify on the Obama Administrations sex-discrimination policies, while hammering schools over dishonest graduation, employment, and placement claims. Four to eight years of that and nobody would be going to college.

It’s weird that the Obama Administration, for whom higher education has functioned as a gigantic political-action committee, would lay this sort of foundation for higher ed’s ruin. It reminds me of Conquest’s Third Law: “The simplest way to explain the behavior of any bureaucratic organization is to assume that it is controlled by a cabal of its enemies.”

UPDATE: Obama’s even set a precedent by going after Harvard.