MAD DUCK: Twenty-two Guantanamo detainees to be freed within days as Obama plans mass transfer of fanatics who have threatened to bomb and behead Americans.

The group being released will be drawn from those held at Guantanamo – who include an accused senior al Qaeda bomb-maker, the terror group’s top financial manager, and two intended 9/11 hijackers, who have all been held in the Cuba-based U.S. detention facility for more than a decade.

According to a military source briefed on the process, 22 detainees are being prepared for transfer out of the camp, also known as Gitmo, before January 20.

Although the White House has not specified which inmates will be transferred out – or which foreign countries have agreed to accept them – it has indicated that this will be a priority for Obama in his final days in office.

Attention, Dana Milbank: This is “the farewell message Obama wishes he could give” — and he just might.