J. CHRISTIAN ADAMS: Pray For Jeff Sessions.

Everyone who believes in prayer should say some for attorney general nominee Jeff Sessions. Senator Sessions is experiencing the full wrath of the worst hateful lies that the modern Left and Democrat Party can conjure. Lies, half-truths, and smears have become the strategy to attack his nomination.

The age of Obama has seen the rise of bricks-and-mortar operations with deep cash reserves designed to permanently transform the nation, and the Justice Department has been ground zero. That’s why Jeff Sessions is the perfect pick for attorney general, and that’s why the liars on the Left are willing to smear this good man. They’ve served up all their familiar charges against him from their phobia smorgasbord: homo-, xeno-, Islamo- or trans-.

That’s why the NAACP decided to trespass and occupy his Senate office — an action far worse than the one that landed James O’Keefe in jail (banner photo above). Don’t expect Loretta Lynch to do anything. Who commits the crime is sometimes more important than what they did. O’Keefe played for the wrong team. . . .

Consider Deval Patrick. Mr. Patrick formerly served as assistant attorney general for Civil Rights at the Justice Department, an NAACP lawyer, and of course, governor of Massachusetts. Mr. Patrick sent this disgraceful letter to the Senate Judiciary Committee seeking to derail the Sessions nomination.

It claimed that when Mr. Sessions prosecuted a case of brazen voter fraud, he actually engaged in voter intimidation.

Sound familiar? It’s part of a larger campaign to preserve vulnerabilities in the American system of elections. It’s why they oppose voter ID and efforts to clean voter rolls. It’s why they are anxious to get felons to the ballot box. It’s why they hate Mr. Sessions — he understands the corrosive evil of voter fraud and has been willing to fight it.

At this point, the Left is mostly just a noise machine. If Trump and Sessions and the GOP majority in the Senate ignore it — and I expect they will — nothing it does will matter. Except that it may stiffen Sessions’ spine:

Feeling the full wrath of the ugly, hateful Left is an experience that leaves one assured that there are no coincidences. When someone experiences the soul-wrenching lies and distortions of the sort now blasting at Mr. Sessions, it provides a reassuring context to the larger constitutional fight in which we now find ourselves engaged.

There have always been enemies of individual dignity and freedom. The nastiness aimed at Mr. Sessions reminds us there always will be. The task at hand is to beat them.

I’m pretty sure that attitude is widely shared in the Trump Administration.

Plus: GOP to Dems: Assault on Sessions will carry a price.

“I hope that doesn’t happen,” Roberts said. “I mean, that really eliminates any possibility for meaningful bipartisan action because then that opens the door for us to respond in kind and then it keeps devolving and poisons the well for any cooperation down the line.”

Other Republican senators said Democratic efforts to cast Sessions as a racist simply won’t work regardless of whom the Democrats call as witnesses because the Alabama senator, a 20-year veteran of the Senate, has worked well with so many Democrats over the years.

“We all know Jeff and have worked with him for a long time,” said Sen. John Hoeven, R-N.D. “I think you are going to see strong support for him among Republicans but also some Democrats too.”

“He’s worked with a lot of Democratic members of the Senate for a long time and built up good relations,” he added.

The GOP, if it’s smart, will push back against all the attacks on its nominees.

Related: The Law Professors’ Scandalous Statement Against Jeff Sessions. “Character assassination is so unworthy of our profession – what an awful example to set for the budding lawyers who are our students! The ABA Model Rules of Professional Conduct prohibit ‘conduct that is prejudicial to the administration of justice.’ I contend that the law professors’ statement, which condemns Attorney General nominee Jeff Sessions based on irrelevancies and innuendoes, is just that.”

Plus: Hans van Spakovsky: How Black Democrats Stole Votes in Alabama … And Jeff Sessions Tried To Stop It. This, of course, is what Democrats are really upset about.

And look who else is weighing in — the NRA’s Chris Cox, with this: Sen. Jeff Sessions will fight for the Second Amendment: Unlike his predecessors, Jeff Sessions knows that law-abiding gun owners are not the problem.