NICK GILLESPIE: MTV’s “White Guy Resolutions 2017” Might Just Earn Trump a Second Term: We’ve gone beyond virtue-signaling to toxic brew of all-you-people-need-to-shut-up-and-listen-to-why-you’re-the-problem ranting.

This is a remarkable document not so much because of the individual “resolutions” but of the source—one of those nefarious multinational corporations that specifically tries to sell fake coolness and hipness to youngsters that progressives are always railing about—and the tin-ear quality of its overall effect.

Whole swaths of corporate America—especially in the entertainment industry—seem utterly convinced that their audiences are irredeemably stupid, racist, homophobic, and beneath contempt. All this, despite massive strides toward equality under the law and growing comfort with all sorts of ethnic, racial, sexual, and lifestyle diversity. For god’s sake, Donald Trump, whose surprising election is underwriting virtually all of this sort of thing, got a smaller share of the white vote than Mitt Romney did four years ago! He didn’t win the presidency because he was popular. He won it because the alternative was disliked by more people. That’s progress, of a sort.

The MTV vid goes beyond mere virtue-signaling into uncharted territory of contempt and spite that works to undermine all feelings of common cause that might actually make for an even more-open and tolerant United States. In this, it rivals the sort of remonstrations emanating from the pages of another hugely powerful corporate entity, The New York Times.

We are looked down upon by our inferiors.