JEFF CARTER: Hold Their Feet To The Fire.

Republicans made big time gains over the last several years. However, I am not seeing them act on a lot of the issues that are important to everyday people. Now is the time to hold their feet to the fire. What are Republicans afraid of? They should be bold right now and pass legislation that will help everyone. Stay away from the shiny objects that always distract them.

Where is the legislation on public pension reform? Only Indiana passed it under previous governor Mitch Daniels as far as I know. Reforming pensions will be good for workers, and ease the burden on taxpayers. It will also be attractive to new workers. The Federal government would recognize huge cost savings in budgeting by enacting pension reform. So would state and local governments. It’s time to do it. . . .

Where is the legislation on school choice? I am hopeful that Trump’s Education nominee will help enable all states to pursue school choice. If we want to give everyone equal opportunity, we better give them a chance when they are young. School choice can break the back of a highly bureaucratic stuck in the mud standardized guaranteed to fail public school system. Create hope for communities that need it via school choice. Remember, competition is good and there is no competition for public school systems today. School choice will raise up the public school system too.

Where are the modifications of workman’s compensation regulations?

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