DO TELL: NYT’s public editor is right. Its 2016 coverage could have been better.

The first step is admitting you have a problem, and the New York Times has a problem, the paper’s public editor suggested this weekend.

Though she doesn’t quite come out and say it, Liz Spayd seemingly agree with the many irate readers who say the Times could have done a better job covering the 2016 presidential election.

They “complain that The Times’s attempt to tap the sentiments of Trump supporters was lacking. And they complain about the liberal tint The Times applies to its coverage, without awareness that it does,” she wrote.

“Few could deny that if Trump’s more moderate supporters are feeling bruised right now, the blame lies partly with their candidate and his penchant for inflammatory rhetoric. But the media is at fault too, for turning his remarks into a grim caricature that it applied to those who backed him. What struck me is how many liberal voters I spoke with felt so, too. They were Clinton backers, but, they want a news source that fairly covers people across the spectrum,” Spayd added.

Also the Times’ 2012 election coverage, its 2008 coverage, its 2004 coverage, its 2000 coverage. . . .