HMM: Rep. Rohrabacher, Afghan expert, knows Putin, emerges as State pick.

With confirmation concerns increasing for President-elect Trump’s top two picks to run the State Department, Rudy Giuliani and John Bolton, top officials are now considering California Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, a top House foreign policy expert, according to sources.

Rohrabacher, once a Reagan speechwriter and a House member since 1989, emerged Tuesday night as a possible Trump pick. His views jive closely with Trump’s on foreign policy, immigration and global warming.

Giuliani and Bolton are being vetted for the job once held by Hillary Clinton, but a major roadblock arose this week when Republican Sen. Rand Paul announced that he would likely oppose both. He believes they back past failed policies in the Middle East.

Hmm. I worked with him in the 1990s on space policy stuff when I chaired the National Space Society’s Legislative Committee. He was excellent on those issues and very smart.