SAFE SPACES, ARKANSAS EDITION: Bowen School Of Law Offers Post-Election Counseling To “Upset” Students.

A law school spokeswoman also did not return my request for comment. However, I’m going to go out on a limb and say there would’ve been no “counseling services” at Bowen if Hillary had won. Conservative students probably would’ve just had to work through the grieving process of no border wall being built by the incoming Clinton Administration on their own. I think it is fair to call the law school’s decision an extraordinary failure of judgment — implying, as it does, that a taxpayer-funded school should pick sides institutionally, and react to elections with Republican outcomes by supplying grief counseling and perhaps, later, provide a kind of imprimatur to other electoral outcomes.

Robert Steinbuch, a law professor at Bowen who has previously defended Trump at our humble blog, said in an interview that — in his over ten years of employment at Bowen — the only times he can recall counseling being offered to law students was after a student had committed suicide. Steinbuch said those instances were “obviously tragic situations” where on-campus counseling was justified. However, Steinbuch doesn’t believe the tragedy of a student committing suicide is the equivalent of a Republican being elected to the Presidency.

I guess the law school administrators feel otherwise.