MY USA TODAY COLUMN: Don’t trust Clinton to avoid stupid wars: The world she had a big hand in making as Secretary of State doesn’t look very peaceful.

President Lyndon Johnson, running for reelection in 1964 against Sen. Barry Goldwater of Arizona, released perhaps the most famous political advertisement of all time. As Smithsonian Magazine describes it: “A 3-year-old girl in a simple dress counted as she plucked daisy petals in a sun-dappled field. Her words were supplanted by a mission-control countdown followed by a massive nuclear blast in a classic mushroom shape. The message was clear if only implicit: Presidential candidate Barry Goldwater was a genocidal maniac who threatened the world’s future.”

Goldwater, we were supposed to think, was a crazy guy who’d get us into a stupid war. Except it turned out that LBJ, crazy or not, was the one who got us into a stupid war, escalating to the point where, at its peak, we had 538,000 soldiers in Vietnam. That led to a famous political joke: “They told me if I voted for Goldwater, we’d have half a million soldiers in Vietnam. And sure enough, I voted for Goldwater — and we’ve got half a million soldiers in Vietnam.” By the time the war was over, more than 58,000 Americans were dead.

Now it’s Hillary Clinton who’s sounding LBJ’s theme. Trump, she says, is crazy and will get us into a stupid war. And she’s enlisted the Daisy ad girl, now all grown up, to make her point.

Not everyone is buying it.

Read the whole thing.