MAN WRITES TONGUE-IN-CHEEK LETTER TO THE EDITOR ABOUT YOGA PANTS. The result? Death threats, vulgar voice mail and a wave of outrage on local social media accounts which resulted in hundreds of women showing up in front of his house to protest. “His life was disrupted and he’s been turned into a villain, all over a note which he admits he wrote as, ‘a humorous break from the current political campaign rhetoric.’ Now he’s become a symbol of female oppression. And to top it off, Alan is gay and owns yoga pants himself.”

I blame female privilege. Plus: “Here’s one question we might want to be asking: is life simply too easy these days? Seriously. How did that many people manage to find time in their schedules to gin up a social media campaign and organize a protest over this guy’s letter to the editor? Is the country really in such great shape that we have nothing else to occupy our waking hours? Don’t you people have jobs? And if not, don’t you need jobs?”