THAT MEANS IT’S WORKING: Tenn. lawmakers, residents search for solutions after Blue Cross Blue Shield pulls out of ACA.

Some state lawmakers are working right now to try to figure out what should be done to help the more than 100,000 Tennesseans who will need to find new health insurance by January 1.

Chris Kane is one of nearly 30,000 people in the Knoxville region losing Blue Cross Blue Shield health care coverage. Kane and his family were insured under the exchange.

“We are pretty much left with Humana or we can pay full price with one of the carriers we want to go with, which isn’t in our budget,” said Chris Kane.

After three years in the Affordable Care Act exchange, Blue Cross is experiencing too many losses to continue to provide marketplace plans.

Tennessee’s ObamaCare exchange had been touted by Democrats as an example of a successful implementation of the law, and I suppose they’re right.