ANN ALTHOUSE: It’s kinda misogynistic for John Podesta to be calling Gennifer Flowers a woman of the sewer. “Whatever these people want to say about Trump, they should say it about Trump, but they instinctively jumped to express disgust toward the woman — who’s really just a bystander to the pre-debate mind-games. Is this misogyny? The argument that it is not depends on the idea that the disgust is with sexuality — what happens when the man and the woman — Bill and Gennifer — get together and not with the woman herself. But the instinct — in both Podesta and Cutter — was to take the man out of the picture. Bill, like Mark Cuban, is legitimate. That horrible woman over there should be treated as a nonentity — down in a hole, there in the excrement, a rodent, a filthy pest. Anyone who would name her or treat her with equal dignity has himself fallen down into the sewer with her.”