ANALYSIS: TRUE. Trump could win the debate simply by bluffing:

Whatever his failings may be, Trump is an alpha male, and Holt is a nerd. Nobody outside the media-political-progressive class likes to see nerds beat alphas. It’s contrary to the basic order of things.

All Trump has to do is raise his voice a little to make it clear who’s in charge: “Ex-CUSE me, Lester, are you going to let me finish?” Or, “Listen, I’m the candidate here. People want to hear what I have to say, not what you have to say, OK?”

Holt will look pathetic, Trump supporters will roar and middle-of-the-road voters will think, “The man’s a strong leader, no doubt about it.”

Debates are not intelligence tests. They’re not LSATs. They’re television shows, and one participant is the former star of one of the top-ten highest-rated programs in the land.

Read the whole thing.