WELL, YEAH: The Clintons Can’t Help Themselves.

While much of the world’s press is focused on the opening of the United Nations General Assembly in New York, another glitzy event is also taking place across town: The meeting of the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) whose gatherings have always attracted a potent mix of political operators and the rich and famous. Today, former President Bill Clinton will attempt to defend his foundation and the CGI against critics.

But rather than an opportunity to set the record straight on his charitable legacy or to defend his wife’s reputation, the former president’s speech is another in a series of colossal mistakes the Clinton machine has made in recent weeks. With her once solid lead over Donald Trump having vanished because of conflict of interest charges and the email scandal that has trashed her credibility, the last thing Hillary needs right now is the press reporting on the Clinton Foundation. Even worse, by allowing her husband to take a deep dive into issues that cannot help but hurt her no matter what he says, Clinton is demonstrating that neither her campaign nor her spouse is thinking clearly about how to avoid letting the election slip completely out of their control.

Even when it’s about Hillary, it always comes back to Bill.


The producers of Veep might try pitching a sitcom about the antics of a Bill Clinton-like character returning to the White House as First Gentleman.

Even the title is satirical.