HE CHOSE…POORLY: Tone-Deaf Governor Minnesota Governor Mark Dayton (D for Dhimmitude) Calls for ‘Tolerance’ After ISIS Stabbing.

James Lileks also pushes back against Dayton’s boilerplate:

Why is someone in International Falls or Pipestone being asked to rise above this? What did they do?

That quote above, taken from the paper’s website, excised one line from the Governor’s statement:

There is no place in Minnesota for intolerance of all Americans’ constitutional right to worship according to their beliefs.

You know, they weren’t worshipping. They were shopping.

Daughter came home at 8:30 after a long happy day. The street fair went great.

No one blew up anything.

Talk about “fundamentally transformed.” As during WWI and the later years of the Vietnam War* have we once again reached the point where that’s the baseline for a successful day in America?

* These involved a few minor bits of youthful unpleasantness involving a young man feeling alienated from bourgeois society who would later – purely coincidentally, of course – eventually spend some time in the same neighborhood as our semi-retired President.)