NEW YORK TIMES TRIES TO FACTCHECK GARY JOHNSON ON ALEPPO, REPEATEDLY STEPS ON A RAKE INSTEAD: “Unlike Johnson, who was asked a question on the spot, the New York Times reporter had the Internet, paid editors, and all the time in the world to help him avoid making a bunch of embarrassing errors. In spite of all that, NYT was still forced to publish not one, but two corrections of Rappeport’s reporting… It turns out that providing a correct answer to the question ‘What is Aleppo?’ is a lot harder than it looks. Especially if you’re a journalist with a surprising lack of foreign policy knowledge.”

As Obama advisor Ben Rhodes said earlier this year about what he called his “blob” of Democrat operatives with bylines, “The average reporter we talk to is 27 years old, and their only reporting experience consists of being around political campaigns. That’s a sea change. They literally know nothing.”

It turns out that perhaps Rhodes’ use of “literally” wasn’t even in the false Biden definition of the L-word.