THE HILL: Foundation Headaches Mount For Clintons.

Hillary Clinton is under growing pressure over her family’s foundation, which has raised serious questions about conflicts of interest for the presidential candidate.

Foundation donors on more than one occasion also had business at the State Department when Clinton served as secretary, raising “pay-to-play” allegations from Donald Trump and other Republicans.

The controversy deepened after an Associated Press report highlighted the number of Clinton Foundation donors who received meetings with then-Secretary Clinton.

The Democratic presidential nominee and her campaign have gone on defense in response to the controversy, highlighting the foundation’s good works and noting there is no proof to Trump’s charges.

The foundation has also announced steps it did not take when Clinton became secretary of State.

If Clinton becomes president, it will not take donations from foreign governments, corporations or citizens or from U.S. corporations and corporate foundations.

Yet the story has shown no signs of withering away, and if anything calls for the Clintons to separate themselves from the foundation have increased.

While Clinton remains the favorite to win the White House, polls also have tightened in the last week — just as scrutiny of the foundation peaked.

This suggests stories about the foundation are likely to continue — including during Clinton’s presidency if she is elected.

That’s because it’s an obvious influence peddling/money laundry operation.