DAN MARKEL UPDATE: The Dan Markel Case: A Notable New Document. “Earlier this week, we reported on prosecution efforts to find out who paid for the 2014 breast augmentation of Katherine Magbanua. If you’ve been following the investigation into the 2014 murder of law professor Dan Markel, you’ll recall that Magbanua is a key figure in the case. She is the mother of two children with Sigfredo Garcia, one of the two alleged hit men, and she is the ex-girlfriend of Charlie Adelson, the former brother-in-law of Dan Markel. At the time of his death, Dan was litigating against Charlie’s sister, Wendi Adelson, regarding various matters arising out of their divorce. We previously outlined some possible theories for the relevance of Charlie Adelson reportedly paying for half the cost of Katherine Magbanua’s $6,000 to $7,000 procedure.”