CULTURE OF CORRUPTION: Pennsylvania Dem attorney general found guilty on criminal charges.

Pennsylvania’s Democratic attorney general was found guilty Monday of all nine counts in a perjury and obstruction case.

Kathleen Kane, 50, was found guilty of nine criminal charges, convicting her of leaking a 2009 grand jury probe and then lying about it in an attempt to discredit a rival prosecutor.

The charges included two felony perjury counts and criminal conspiracy and obstruction.

At one point, Kane — the first Democrat to be the state’s attorney general — was considered a rising star among her party. She was elected in 2012.

Other state officials, including two state Supreme Court justices, lost their job in the scandal. Though Kane lost her law license, she has remained on the job as attorney general. She did not seek re-election this year.

“There is to be absolutely no retaliation of any kind against any witness in this case, either by your own devices, from your own mouth or your hand, or directing anybody to do anything,” Judge Wendy Demchick-Alloy said in a warning to Kane on Monday, threatening her with immediate incarceration if she failed to follow her directions.

That last is quite extraordinary.