Shot: Vox’s Ezra Klein: Trump’s Speech Introducing Pence ‘Shocking’ and ‘Scary.’

NewsBusters, yesterday.

Of course, Ezra’s definitions of shocking and scary have changed a bit over the years. Which brings us to…


Not everything the Nazis touched was bad. Hitler was a vegetarian. Volkswagen is a perfectly good car company. Universal health care is a perfectly good idea. Indeed, the Nazis actually did a pretty good job increasing economic growth and improving standards of living (they were, many think, the first Keynesians, adopting the strategy even before Keynes had come up with it), pushing Germany out of a depression and back into expansion. Unfortunately, they also set out to conquer Europe and exterminate the Jews. People shouldn’t do that.

“Nazi Ideas,” Ezra Klein, The American Prospect, September 11(!) 2006.