ASHE SCHOW: How one mother urged her daughters not to be —’that’ kind of feminist.

When Dawn’s oldest daughter began discussing feminism in the context of her “out of control” friend who blames every problem in her life on sexism, the mother of two daughters started thinking about what values she wanted to instill in her children.

“I have been really paying attention to how young feminists are conducting themselves these days, especially on campus. Both of my girls want to go to college; I’m concerned about the environment,” Dawn told the Washington Examiner on Twitter. “So when my oldest brought it up specifically last week, it got me thinking about specific behaviors and attitudes that I would/would not ideally like them to have going into that situation.”

So Dawn wrote a post for a small blogging website called Far Beyond the Beltway about what kind of feminist she would like her daughters to be. She wanted to make sure her daughters knew and appreciated all the things past feminists have done, like getting women the right to vote and obtain a higher education degree.

But she also knew that what her daughters would face in college was a different kind of feminism — a culture that thrives on self-victimhood and bears an unhealthy persecution complex.

Dawn presented a list of Do’s and Do Nots for being a feminist. The Dos include being “respectful of all people and their own decisions, as long as they earn your respect” and choosing “whatever path will make you happy and is best for you and your family.” She emphasized that whether a woman wants to be a CEO or a stay-at-home mom (or both) is her decision, is valid and important and “available to you because of feminism.”

But she warns against falling into the modern feminist trap. The “Do Not” list includes putting “down people who do not agree with you,” arguing one’s “positions with irrational emotional outbursts and fake victimhood” and expecting “the government to provide for you.”
