MADELEINE ALBRIGHT HAS AN AIRBRUSH, AND SHE’S NOT AFRAID TO USE IT. Albright: ‘War on Terror’ Bad Term for ‘Just Murderers:’

Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright said she dislikes the use of the phrase “war on terror,” arguing that it makes terrorists look like warriors.

“For me, I’ve had a very hard time with the vocabulary of all of this and I have not liked the words ‘war on terror’ because it makes those that are fighting us warriors when they are actually just murderers and they get a greater kind of reverence in their societies if we make warriors out of them. They are murderers, plain and simple,” Albright said during a discussion about religion, peace and world affairs at Georgetown University.

While she did not mention any presidential candidates by name, Albright criticized Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump’s call for a temporary ban on Muslims entering the U.S. as a way to combat Islamic extremism.

Yes, Allah forbid anyone connect the dots here. Or as Tim Blair wrote a few years ago in a post titled “Message Unheard:”

You can’t help but feel a little bit sorry for your average Muslim terrorist. They go to all the trouble of blowing up children in Boston, killing US Army personnel in Texas, detonating bars in Bali, flying jets into New York skyscrapers and now basically removing a soldier’s head in a London street, all in the holy name of Islam.

But where’s the credit?

Where’s the respect?

It’s underneath the ash heap at the bottom of the Memory Hole deep within the basement of the Ministry of Truth. I’m sure Albright’s former colleague Sandy Berger could have found it — if only to bury those archives even more deeply.

Related: Brendan O’Neill on “Charlie Hebdo, Terrorism, and the Culture of ‘You Can’t Say That.'”