EVEN THE ATLANTIC HAS NOTED: How Emory’s Student Activists Are Fueling Trumpism: The billionaire candidate couldn’t have created more perfect foils for a candidacy built on resentment. Well, people tend to resent entitled idiots.

Had Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign for the White House somehow infiltrated the ranks of Emory’s student activists and blackmailed the university’s President James W. Wagner, it could scarcely have orchestrated a spectacle more helpful to Trump’s prospects, or damaging to the values that protect vulnerable groups, than what they accomplished on their own this week. After someone wrote “Trump 2016” in colored chalk around campus, several dozen student demonstrators objected that the banal campaign message scared, upset, or offended them, and administrators responded by going Orwellian.

You know, maybe it’s a campaign built on justified resentment. . . . And hurray for the Emory students on Yik Yak. No wonder campuses want to shut it down.