IN THE WORDS OF ANDREW BREITBART, “STOP RAPING PEOPLE!” Obama Communication Director Accused of Sexual Assault. “Trevor FitzGibbon was Obama’s Communications Director in New Mexico on his original campaign. And that made him left-wing royalty. His PR firm, FitzGibbon Media, represented major left-wing organizations from to Planned Parenthood, from Color of Change to Everytown. . . . FitzGibbon Media clients included branches of the ACLU, the Bradley Manning Defense Fund, Common Cause, AFL-CIO, DailyKos, American Federal of Teachers, Correct the Record, the Ford Foundation, Brave New Films, Global Zero, Islamic Relief, Planned Parenthood, the Julian Assange Defense Fund, Google, Rock the Vote, the Intercept, Wikileaks, Wikipedia, the Nation and VDay, Eve Ensler’s movement which claims to fight rape. It didn’t seem to bother Eve Ensler that Trevor FitzGibbon was also representing Julian Assange, a progressive rapist. And his latest antics likely won’t bother her either. But while FitzGibbon Media claimed to be so very feminist and progressive, life was hell for the women who worked there.”

Why are lefty organizations such hotbeds of sexual abuse?