CAMILLE PAGLIA ON THE SAD STATE OF CONTEMPORARY FEMINISM. “The problem with too much current feminism, in my opinion, is that even when it strikes progressive poses, it emanates from an entitled, upper-middle-class point of view. It demands the intrusion and protection of paternalistic authority figures to project a hypothetical utopia that will be magically free from offence and hurt. Its rampant policing of thought and speech is completely reactionary. . . . I am continually shocked and dismayed by the nearly Victorian notions promulgated by today’s feminists about the fragility of women and their naïve helplessness in asserting control over their own dating lives. Female undergraduates incapable of negotiating the oafish pleasures and perils of campus fraternity parties are hardly prepared to win leadership positions in business or government in the future.”

True. Plus: “The anti-porn crusader Andrea Dworkin was a rabid fanatic, a self-destructive woman so consumed by her hatred of men that she tottered on the edge of psychosis.” Much of left-politics emanates from people who range between neurosis and outright psychosis. Their fear/hatred/desire of normal life produces ugly and dysfunctional results.