HIGHER EDUCATION BUBBLE UPDATE, LEGAL EDUCATION EDITION: Ohio State Deans Berate Female Law Student Over Pro-Life Op-Ed After She Sought Protection After Online Threat. “‘I was so shocked. I’ve never been in a situation with people I respected and looked up to and felt so violated.’ Ms. Gesiotto knew that many of her peers at the law school would disagree with the column. She expected to take some flak. What she didn’t expect, she said, was having administrators show less interest in her safety than in tearing apart a column entirely unrelated to her coursework. . . . ‘I was there to report a threat. And then they tried to flip it around and push me into a facilitated discussion with other kids about my article. It was bizarre and very disappointing.'”

Lefties are indulged no matter how over-the-top. People on the right are told: You deserve the threats for making people angry. Also, you’re evil.

If people in the academy wonder why their stock is plummeting with the general public, it’s stuff like this.