WHEN YOU’VE LOST ANDREA MITCHELL: White Women ‘Abandoning’ Hillary Clinton ‘in Droves,’ Mitchell Reports:

During Tuesday’s edition of NBC’s Today morning program, news anchor Andrea Mitchell addressed a trend that probably has former secretary of state Hillary Clinton and her campaign staff feeling “trumped:” White women are “abandoning” the Democratic front-runner in the 2016 presidential campaign “in droves.”

The host of Andrea Mitchell Reports — which airs at 12 noon weekdays on the MSNBC cable channel — started her report by stating: “Hillary Clinton is reaching out to that group that she’d always counted on: white women voters who are now abandoning her in droves during the last two months. “

Gee, I can’t imagine why women would be turned off by the Clintons.

RELATED: In Shift, Hillary Clinton Says Rape Victims Have Right to Be Believed.