Archive for March, 2012

PALIN TO COURIC: Game On! Well, it was Andrew Breitbart who said that Sarah Palin should be the Red State Oprah.

CELEBRATING HUMAN ACHIEVEMENT HOUR: Stately InstaPundit manor is so brightly lit you can see it from space.

UPDATE: Reader Ross Wolfe writes: “Your house is so bright it can be seen from space? And yet you’re still not using up as much energy as Al Gore is at his house.” I don’t ask strange women to release my chakras, either.

JOURNALISM NARRATIVE MANAGEMENT: Tom Maguire critiques CNN: “CNN pretends to reprise the witnesses to the Trayvon Martin shooting and aftermath. They paint a picture of a ‘fair and balanced’ effort but omit ‘John’, the most important eyewitness to the scuffle that preceded the shooting. John says Zimmerman was on the ground getting beaten and calling for help; odd that CNN missed that.”

It’s still unclear exactly what happened on that night, but it’s pretty obvious what’s happening in the press now.

UPDATE: ‘He Looks Black’: NBC Launches Internal Investigation into Selective Editing of Zimmerman Police Tape.

ANN ALTHOUSE CONTINUES TO CALL OUT RACISM WHEREVER SHE SEES IT. Plus, from the comments: “I really get the sense that last week’s SCOTUS arguments gave lefties a dose of cognitive dissonance that’s taking them a long time to rationalize away. In the meantime, all they have to fall back on is invective.”

HIGHER EDUCATION UPDATE: Reader Dave Lange writes:

Re: your post on the proposed Clery Act expansion.

Ever notice how, in all the Administration’s posturing about reducing college tuition costs, the subject of eliminating all of those Federal mandates that greatly contribute to universities’ expenses never comes up? Of course, the diversity machine is the biggest part of that, but things like this don’t help.

I don’t know if diversity is the biggest single part or not, but yeah. Here’s more on that, and here’s John Leo on how even broke universities won’t cut diversity programs.

UPDATE: Reader Robert Rogers writes: “I don’t know what schools Dave Lange is familiar with, but in my experience diversity is a drop in the bucket compared to the compliance costs for things like federal grants and accreditation. Yes, a lot of administrative bloat is of our own making, but a huge portion is thrust upon us. (And don’t get me started on how most compliance exercises are completely ineffective.)”

HOLLYWOOD REPORTER: NBC News Charged With Misleading Editing in Zimmerman 911 Call.

In the NBC segment, Zimmerman says: “This guy looks like he’s up to no good. He looks black.”

The full version, though, unfolds like this:

Zimmerman: “This guy looks like he’s up to no good, or he’s on drugs or something. It’s raining and he’s just walking around, looking about.”

911 operator: “Okay. And this guy, is he white black or Hispanic?”

Zimmerman: “He looks black.”

It’s as if they’re pushing a predetermined narrative regardless of the evidence or something.

UPDATE: Reader Michael Costello emails: “ABC did the same thing. Aren’t these the same people who accused Andrew Breitbart of deceptive editing?” Yeah, go figure.

NICK GILLESPIE: Stop Panicking About Bullies. “I have no interest in defending the bullies who dominate sandboxes, extort lunch money and use Twitter to taunt their classmates. But there is no growing crisis. Childhood and adolescence in America have never been less brutal. Even as the country’s overprotective parents whip themselves up into a moral panic about kid-on-kid cruelty, the numbers don’t point to any explosion of abuse. As for the rising wave of laws and regulations designed to combat meanness among students, they are likely to lump together minor slights with major offenses. The antibullying movement is already conflating serious cases of gay-bashing and vicious harassment with things like…a kid named Cheese having a tough time in grade school.”

RACISM IN THE AGE OF OBAMA: “Seven black teens have been arrested on suspicion that they committed a hate crime when they attacked a 15-year-old Hispanic boy while he was walking home from school in Southern California, according to the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Office. . . . During the beating, the teens made racially derogatory statements that were captured on the video, Ford said.”

Following the lead of the folks at MSNBC, I suppose I should blame the climate of hate whipped up by the President and his supporters’ racially-charged rhetoric.

THE HUFFINGTON POST’S UNPAID BLOGGERS LOSE THEIR LAWSUIT and get no sympathy from Ann Althouse: “You want to get paid for your writing? Bargain for it. And quit whining. No one wants to read things written by whiners, so you’re only digging yourselves a deeper hole.”

HIGHER EDUCATION BUBBLE UPDATE: Middle-aged borrowers piling on student debt. “Everybody believes they will get out school, get a job and pay it back. Few really take the time to do the math and decide how much they could afford to borrow.”

PHIL BOWERMASTER: Teleportation In The News. “The guy who lands on the other side isn’t me — he just thinks he is. I’m dead.”

AT AMAZON, digital deals.

QUESTIONS ABOUT Scotusblog’s objectivity? From the comments: “As for the RNC ad, Goldstein’s comments reflect more the tendency of any small, in-bred group to protect its own. Verrilli is a certified, card-carrying member of the SCT bar — he personifies it in his background, current position and likely future career. Goldstein certainly sees himself as part of the same elite crowd. So it’s not political; it’s just a ‘let’s defend Don’ moment. Unfortunately it is likely to backfire badly with anyone not living in the same bubble.”

UPDATE: Related: Legal Elites And Strategic Behavior.


ER, FASTER PLEASE? Vaccine to stop heart attacks could be here in 5 years. “Scientists have discovered that the drug stimulates the body’s immune system to produce antibodies which prevent heart disease by stopping fat building up in the arteries.” Well, stay tuned.