HOW’S THAT HOPEY-CHANGEY STUFF WORKIN’ OUT FOR YA? (CONT’D): The young and the disconnected: America’s youth unemployment problem. Note, though, that one thing making the featured protagonist in this story unemployable is a conviction for violating Washington, DC’s absurd gun law, a law which surely has a tremendous disparate impact on young minority males — and, in fact, was designed to.

But it’s not just “disconnected youth” who have a problem in the Obama Economy:

Up until a decade ago, Bird said, it was easier for them to find service jobs. But now they compete against college graduates who can’t find professional work, or adults looking to support their family.

“I know it’s hard,” Hernandez said. “My cousin has a master’s degree and has to look for jobs on Craiglist. Just like me.”

Fundamentally transformed.