SALENA ZITO: Pa. House race previews Dems’ 2016.

Sometimes the smallest races tell the biggest stories.

Take Pennsylvania Democrats’ primary race to replace Allyson Schwartz in suburban Philadelphia’s 13th Congressional District. (Schwartz is campaigning for the Democrats’ nomination to challenge Gov. Tom Corbett in November.) . . .

This race is the country’s first glimpse of what a post-Obama Democratic Party could become. Despite all of its post-2012 proclamations, Organizing for America — Obama’s campaign machine — probably will not run the world, let alone a very twitchy party that is ready to break away from the Obama years and stretch out on its own.

Obama has disappointed many progressive Democrats; he’s lost the connection with many blue-collar Democrats; he’s done no favors for many establishment Democrats on a host of issues, including helping to lose their House majority. As for Democrat outsiders, his presidency only emboldens their chances to be authentic change-agents.

Keep your eye on this race: It’s a small but telling glimpse of what 2016 will look like for the party.

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