POLLS AND MEDIA INTEREST: 2016 Utah vs. 2014 Arkansas. “Results from the 15th annual Arkansas Poll, conducted by the University of Arkansas, found respondants blaming President Barack Obama and the Democrats for the partial government shutdown. The poll, conducted from Oct. 10-17, also showed declining approval ratings for Arkansas’ two Senators, Republican John Boozman and Democrat Mark Pryor, who faces a tough re-election challenge by U.S. Rep. Tom Cotton, R-Ark. . . . Only 34 percent of likely voters approved of Mark Pryor’s performance, down from 53 percent last year. His disapproval ratings were also dramatically higher, with 44 percent of likely voters disapproving of his performance, up from 21 percent last year.” And yet what we’re hearing about is Utah, where the election will be two years later. It’s like there’s an anti-Tea Party bias in the media, with help from the GOP establishment, or something. . . .