DON’T THEY CARE ABOUT THE CHILDREN? WILL NO ONE THINK ABOUT THE CHILDREN? HEARTLESS. The Hill: Democrat’s latest farm bill strategy: Threaten to double the price of milk.

The top Democrat on the House Agriculture Committee has launched a new strategy for passing a farm bill this year: threaten to send milk prices skyrocketing.

Rep. Collin Peterson (D-Minn.) said he called Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack this week suggesting that the agency begin the process of implementing the 1949-era dairy policies that would take effect Oct. 1 if Congress fails to act on a farm bill before then. . . .

The 1949 law requires the Agriculture Department to manipulate the dairy market in such a way that milk is priced at a floor of roughly $39 per 100 pounds – a figure that would lead milk prices to roughly double at today’s rates.

Peterson’s strategy is not to see that happen, but to rouse the affected industry groups – particularly the powerful International Dairy Foods Association (IDFA) – into pressuring Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) and other GOP leaders to enact a bill preventing the cost hike.

I think that Collin Peterson just wants to starve poor children. Because he’s mean. I mean, that’s how all the press coverage would go if he were a Republican, so . . . .