I DON’T THINK IT’S AL QAEDA THAT’S ON THE RUN: U.S. Pulls Staff From Pakistan Consulate.

There are some who say that the Obama administration overreacted to the intercepted al-Qaeda communications that caused the diplomatic closures. Without a security clearance, we can’t know much about whether or not the actions were warranted, but the truth of the matter is that the Obama administration’s assertions that the war on terror is over were plainly premature. Terror groups in Pakistan are causing the US to fear for the safety of its citizens and diplomats. Al-Qaeda is threatening enough to force the closure of diplomatic missions worldwide. “God is great! America is in a condition of terror and fear from Al-Qaeda,” a jihadist wrote in an online forum, as the NYT reported yesterday. “The mobilization and security precautions are costing them billions of dollars. We hope to hear more of such psychological warfare, even if there are no actual jihadi operations on the ground.”

In general, the Obama administration’s foreign policy work in difficult areas like the Middle East and Pakistan hasn’t lived up to its initial promise.

Do tell.