COMIC RELIEF: “Brown bag” controversy reveals chink in the armor of language police. These people are illiterate idiots. They should be mocked mercilessly and never taken seriously. Likewise the even bigger idiots who listen to them.

UPDATE: Prof. Stephen Clark writes:

You are absolutely right when your write, “These people are illiterate idiots. They should be mocked mercilessly and never taken seriously. Likewise the even bigger idiots who listen to them.”

However, not only are they idiots, they reveal themselves, all of them, to be racialist to the core. They are literally not normal. Normal people, and by that I mean the great majority of people, do not read racial intent into colloquial expressions of longstanding that have never before had racial coloration. These people are not normal, and they should be dismissed as such. In truth, they are paranoid cranks.
