‘RACINE TEA PARTY FIRES UP THE FAITHFUL:’ That’s nice, but underneath that dull-as-dishwater headline is this detail, buried four paragraphs into the article:

Before the event could get under way, though, organizers say a truck affixed with “Obama” stickers drove through the parking lot and dumped quantities of nails.

“We went outside and picked up what we could,” said Lou D’Abbraccio, holding a cup filled with nails. “But this was just wrong.”

Lora Halberstadt, a Tea party member, said the group did call the Racine Police Department to file a report.

Patch asked two RPD officers outside the venue if they could confirm the report, but they only said they couldn’t comment about a truck. We have a message into the RPD and we will update this story when we hear back from them.

So why does it take Matt Drudge to highlight that aspect – “Large Amounts Of Nails Dumped In Parking Lot At Tea Party Rally…” – as he blurbs at the Drudge Report, rather than the paper that originated the story?

RELATED: So, let’s talk about how this over-enthusiastic Obama vandal messed up his message.