THEY TOLD ME IF I VOTED FOR JOHN MCCAIN, DOJ GOONS WOULD GO AFTER INDEPENDENT FILMMAKERS WHO TROUBLED THE REGIME — AND THEY WERE RIGHT! What??? Holder and Feds ID California man’s role in anti-Islam film. “What country did I just wake up in? Islamic extremists kill an Ambassador abroad and a U.S. citizen’s name and past problems with law enforcement are suddenly in the news?? This is outrageous. They’re looking to undermine the film by destroying him instead of focusing on the murderers. There’s no excuse for this coming from the Feds and Holder.”

It is, however, typical. Harder on those who cause them political trouble at home than on the country’s enemies abroad. Because that’s just how they roll.

Related: Why Defending Free Speech Is More Important than Criticizing Bigotry. The Obama crowd doesn’t care about free speech. Never has, never will.