ACE NOT TOO IMPRESSED with the state of nutrition advice. “So, for 50 years now, the medical establishment and the government have been telling fat people to do the exact opposite thing they should be doing.”

At the very least, they should be reading Gary Taubes.

And don’t get me started on the dermatologists.

UPDATE: Reader Matt Howell writes:

Since you’re on the subject of Gary Taubes today:

On your recommendation, I read Why We Get Fat last month and on June 3rd, I started following the no-sugar, no-starch diet.

I’ve lost 14.2 pounds since then. I’m averaging a little over a half a pound a day so far, and the trend hasn’t shown any signs of leveling off yet. I feel great, I have a lot more energy than I did just 3-4 weeks ago, and I actually feel like my brain is working faster. I’m probably luckier and better-looking now, too. Something.

I’ve been recommending WWGF since I started reading it. It’s one of most clearly-communicated, straightforward book I’ve read on the subject, and its credibility is only bolstered by the critical-thinking approach with which Taubes takes on the material. So refreshing to read something that isn’t full of EXCLAMATION POINTS!! and platitudes about willpower. You’re doing a real service to your readership by promoting him.

Well, I don’t think that any diet is a panacea, but his approach seems to work for a lot of people, including me.

ANOTHER UPDATE: Reader Chris Farley writes:

Six weeks ago, I was diagnosed with Diabetes. I immediately went Paleo-ish. I just cut out wheat, rice, potatoes and corn. My blood sugars now hover around 100 and I’ve lost 30 pounds. I DO NOT exercise, because I can’t – crippled, long story.

I don’t even cut them 100%. I’ll eat Chinese with a little breading on the meat. I’ll have a tortilla with my fajitas. I just stay under 30 carbs per day. This diet is stupid easy – even a cave man could do it!

I went off my low-carb diet for a week earlier this month. The main thing I noticed was that all of a sudden I was constantly starving. Went back on it and the hunger went away. And my low-carb diet isn’t all that low-carb — I keep my carbs under about 50. But when they go up above that, it has an effect.

MORE: Physician-reader Dale Russell writes:

My internist is a lipid fanatic and has whipped my lipid panel into shape. I saw him two weeks ago and he mentioned that he was impressed by Taubes presentation at The National Lipid Association’s Annual Meeting. See agenda, Saturday, noon presentation:

Special Public Interest Session – “Why We Get Fat in the US?” Gary Taubes

He is making an impression on the establishment.

Well, good.