WHAT THE WORLD NEEDS: Booming Food-Price Volatility. “With non-existent wage growth and a dearth of investment opportunities, these price advances in food costs have much more impact than it appears. What asset classes are keeping pace with the year-over-year increases in food? . . . On a year-over-year basis through November, according to USDA, beef prices are up 9.8%, egg prices are up 10.25%, and potato prices are up 12%.”

Buy a freezer, clear out some pantry space, and start your strategic shopping.

UPDATE: Reader Alysia Lucas writes: “Thanks for linking the strategic shopping article. I just blast emailed it to my friends and family. I’m not much of a couponer so this information will come in handy (but now I’ll need to invest in a backup generator for the freezer!)” I just fill the empty space in mine with those “blue ice” things, but we don’t get many (or lengthy) power outages around here. But yeah, that’s a great post, which is why I’ve linked it a couple of times. Well, that along with my expectations for the coming year . . . .

Meanwhile, reader Linda White emails: “Professor, for long term freezer storage (in excess of a couple of months in Ziploc freezer bags), it is essential to freeze food in vacuum sealed bags to prevent freezer burn. At the slightest taste of freezer burned meat, my husband refuses to eat.” Yes, the Insta-Wife’s fussy that way.