“DON’T HOLD US BACK:” Minority groups attack teachers’ unions in L.A.

Today, full page ads appear in the L.A. Times, Daily News and La Opinion taken out by Don’t Hold Us Back — respected organizations calling out United Teachers Los Angeles and LAUSD for letting kids fail. The new supergroup includes The United Way, The Urban League, Community Coalition, Alliance for a Better Community, Families in Schools, Asian Pacific American Legal Center and Communities for Teaching Excellence.

The ad’s bland wording at first seems a bit “so what?” but it’s actually written in code to UTLA leaders, who have helped the local teachers union gain a reputation as one of the most anti-reform big-city education unions in the U.S. Here’s a translation:

In one line, the ad says teachers should “be rewarded for academic excellence.”

That sounds normal, right?

But in fact, that idea has for years been vehemently opposed by UTLA.

Read the whole thing.