DOMESTIC TERRORISM UPDATE: AWOL soldier indicted in Fort Hood bomb plot. “Pfc. Naser Jason Abdo, 21, was indicted in Waco on charges of possession of an unregistered destructive device, possession of a firearm and possession of ammunition by a fugitive from justice, according to federal prosecutors. He faces up to 10 years in prison on each charge if convicted. . . . The soldier was approved as a conscientious objector this year after citing his Muslim beliefs, but that status was put on hold after he was charged with possessing child pornography. He went absent without leave from Fort Campbell, Ky., last month. A day after his arrest, a defiant Abdo shouted ‘Nidal Hasan Fort Hood 2009!’ as he was led out of a federal courtroom, an apparent homage to the suspect in the worst mass shooting ever on a U.S. military installation. He condemned that attack less than a year ago, but is now accused of trying to carry out another deadly attack.”

I’m inclined to think his condemnation was not sincere.