THEY TOLD ME IF I VOTED FOR JOHN MCCAIN, ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION WOULD BE BROUGHT TO AN END, AND — oh, who am I kidding. Nobody told me that. And yet: Illegal Immigration From Mexico At Lowest Level In Nearly 60 Years. Heck, with what Obama’s been doing for the employment situation, soon Americans will be sneaking into Mexico in search of work . . . .

UPDATE: A reader emails:

Your comment on the NYTimes article on decreasing Mexican immigration made coffee shoot out of my nose. I’m an american working in Mexico, and I’m here mostly because the deepwater drilling ban killed any chance of me getting a job back home last year.

I thought if I voted for John McCain an incompetent federal response to a disaster would cause economic dislocation, and they were right!

Heh. He’s got a blog post, too.

And hey, maybe my prediction was more on-target than I knew. . . .