DERSHOWITZ: Obama keeps getting worse on Middle East. Plus this from Jen Rubin: “Democrats are loath to admit the president doesn’t know what he is doing, so they are left trying to convince themselves and others that this is a fuss about nothing. The most honest defense I heard from a pro-Israel Democratic staffer was to acknowledge that Obama had made mincemeat out of the ‘peace process’ but to remind me that talks aren’t going anywhere anyway. . . . On one level, the last week has been reassuring to Israel and its friends. There is no significant constituency in the United States for Palestinian favoritism. (Sorry, J Street.) On the other hand, with his Thursday speech, his Sunday talk to AIPAC and now his comments in Britain, Obama has only reinforced the worst fears that he is either not well-disposed toward the Jewish state.”

UPDATE: Reader Jed DeHaven emails: “Maybe Obama’s stand on Israel was possible influenced by Rev Wright’s sermons? Nah…that can’t be, the press said 20 plus years in his church was nothing to do about nothing.”