ED MORRISSEY: Don’t get carried away with the rapture schadenfreude. “I suspect that the media feeding frenzy Stanley describes has less to do with an impulse to lampoon the ridiculous than an impulse to ridicule Christianity in general. Despite Camping and his followers being an extremely small fringe group, the media has covered this story as if the entire Southern Baptist church made this prediction. . . . It’s not out of bounds to chuckle over the gullibility of those who rely on false prophets, but it’s worth considering who and what benefits from this avalanche of coverage of an obscure, already-discredited crank.”

UPDATE: Repent: The End Of Keynesian Economics Is At Hand. “I wish reporters would pay as much attention to a more important failed prediction: the Obama administration’s assurance that its policies, including the ‘stimulus,’ would foster job creation and prevent unemployment from reaching 8 percent. We have reproduced this graphic before.” Doesn’t fit the dumb-gullible-hicks narrative. But this bit of gullibility was a lot more expensive.